Saya memang teringin nak bukak Night Club :) Alaaa tau lah tak elok kan tapi saya minat so tak kisah la ape yang orang nak cakap pun janji tak kacau gaji mak bapak dorang kan. Nak bukak night club ni pun terpengaruh ngan game Night Club City lah ni, boleh pulak tadi syud ila ngan ika boleh tokok tambah ngan impian kte ni haa, lagi membuak2 lah kan perasaan nak bukak night club ni. Haa pada masa yang sama jugak, kite orang ada lah bincang2 pasal benda alah ni. Kalau lah menjadi club ni mesti best kan? Haa cuba lah tegok kat bawah tuuu

Owner club : Semesti nye saya lah kan
Lokasi : Di dalam Hotel Syud 
Bartender : Shamil, Anuar, Aiman, Roshan
Bouncer : Tentulah si tough Hasif, Mata besar dan juga Fahmi
Deejay : Alan, Ajib, Mansor 
Penari Male : Apek*permanent 
Penari Female: Ah tentunya cantik bukan, Dalila*part time
VVIP : Sesiapa yang berbuat baik dengan saya
Party : Boleh booking dalam masa dua minggu ye
Jenis2 Party :-
Green Night*special (every Sunday)
Ladies Night
Kak Limah Time
Drunk Party/Wild Party (only available for VVIP)
Dance Party
Scream Party*especially for Syud
*you can also rent our Gempakz Deejay

Hmm okay kan? Ni baru je dalam hotel Syud, belum lagi kat tempat lain. Kalau nak jadi VVIP boleh la email saya sebelum masuk, Club ni public so tak kesah lah kan sape2 nak masuk, tapi under age memang tidak dibenarkan sama sekali. Masa operasi hanya malam sahaja dan peringatan kepada semua, Green Night anda hendak lah memakai sesuatu yang berwarna hijau supaya kena dengan party tersebut. Sekian~

Demi Matahari , dan sinarnya di pagi hari .
Demi bulan apabila ia mengiringi .
Demi siang hari , bila menampak kan dirinya .
Demi malam apabila ia menutupi .
Demi langit berserta seluruh binaan nya .
Demi bumi serta yang ada di hamparannya .
Demi jiwa dan seluruh penyempurnaan nya .
Allah Subhannallah .
Allah mengilham kan
sukma kefasikan dan ketaqwaan .
Beruntung bagi yang mensucikan nya 
merugi bagi yang mengotori nya .

Cerita Empat Sahabat : Kisah ini menceritakan tentang Empat orang sahabat yang bercita-cita untuk membuat aiskrim menggunakan bahan yang tidak merugikan. Mereka berbincang dan membuat keputusan setiap seorang menghulurkan satu barang .Dalila the Shit Maker , memberi taiknya yang segar , manakala Syud the Molster merembeskan taik lalatnya sebagai coklat chip crunchy , Huda the Fogged Breather mengeluarkan nafasnya yang berwarna Heejaw*Hijau sebagai perisa mint untuk aiskrim tersebut. Tetapi Afiqah the Gila tak tahu nak bagi gelaran ape , akhirnya mencuri kon-kon di tepi jalan untuk melengkapkan Aiskrim Mint Shit mereka . Sekian

Yay kite orang pergi camping :)
Takde lah jauh mana pun takat langat je pun .
Haa dah kata pun camping kan mestilah best oh ya 
memang tak sia-sia langsung . Tidur dalam dom je takde
khemah tu yang spoil sket tapi okay lah ada tilam , hahaha .
Ramai yang tak  sabar-sabar nak mandi sungai kan ?
Sekali dapat mandi memang syok tak  ingat lah kan , hahaha . Lagi-lagi dalam sungai tu ada anak-anak pacat .
Melekat kat baju , sumpah geli gila time tu .
Aktiviti kat situ memang best lagi-lagi
Jungle Tracking :D memang kite suka lah .
Oh jangan lupa ye slot Uda dan Dara tu
sape yang memang , Pemotong Kayu , Hahahahah .
Paling best kite lah , 
peserta perempuan terbaik :) Go Kuchiki !

Apek thanks for introducing this :) Best giler game ni eh game ke? Entah la tapi memang best, lagi-lagi nyanyi ngan Afiqah , tak lupa jugak ngan Syud . Oh dalam banyak-banyak Kite lah yang terbaik ;) Hahaha , sorry lah tapi memang kenyataan kan? Nanti kite nyanyi sama-sama lagi eh , battle sape lagi bagus tapi jawapan dia memang dah tau dah sape :) Haa kalau nak join sekali pun boleh jugak :D


This Orange boy is the main characters in this anime
He got its own Zanpakuto*Katana Zangetsu
at the first he does not know that his also a Shinigami *Soul Reaper
Kurosaki Ichigo

This cute little Shinigami  is always with Ichigo
Her Zanpakuto is the most beautiful from the others Shinigami
which is called Sode No Shirayuki
Kuchiki Rukia
this is the most main characters that i adore !

This guy is so strong
He just a human and best friend of  Ichigo in Karakura Town *Tokyo
He is not pure of japanese but mix with maxican
His power on his  both hand *look at the picture
Sado Yasutora(Chado)

This girl has a same hair colour with Ichigo
She also like Ichigo and care bout him
She's one of Ichigo friend in Karakura Town
Her ability is to heal someone from injury
Oh ya she's also just a normal human just like Chado
Inoue Orihime

This guy is not a Shinigami but a Quincy *race of worrior archers
His also friend of Ichigo and dosen't like Shinigami
His hobby is make sewing and completely look awesome!
Ishida Uryuu

This old man is the Taichou in 1st squad which is
also leader of the Soul Soceity *world of Shinigami
His Zanpakuto power is a fire
The name is Ryujinjakka
Yamamoto Genryusai

He is a Fuku Taichou *Vice Captain in 1st squad
His Zanpakuto called Gonryomaru
Sasakibe Chojiro

This girl is have a high speed of running
She's so fast 
She's also a Taichou in 2nd squad
Her Zanpakuto is the smallest one among the others
which is called Suzumebachi

This fat guy is always annoyed for me
He's a Fuku Taichou in 2nd squad
His Zanpakuto called Gegetsuburi
Omaeda Marechiyo

He was the Taichou of 3rd squad
He betray Soul Soceity with Aizen Sosuke and Tosen Kaname
His Zanpakuto name is Shinsou
Ichimaru Gin

This guy is so loyal with his Taichou
He cannot believe that his Taichou betrray him and Soul Soceity
He's also a Fuku Taichou from 3rd squad
His Zanpakuto have a great power
Once he swung his Zanpakuto it will be double of its wieght
The name is called Wabisuke
Kira Izuru

She got a long black hair and cute face too
She's the Taichou of 4th squad 
She had a skill in healer
Unohana Restsu

She quite tall among the others female Shinigami
She's the Fuku Taichou in 4th squad 
Kotetsu Isane

This is the guy who causes all the trouble in 
Soul Society and also in Karakura Town
He's a former Taichou in 5th squad
His Zanpakuto is called Kyoka Suigetsu 
Aizen Sosuke

Many of the man fans of this anime like her
She's the Fuku Taichou from 5th squad
She also had a feeling towards her Taichou
which is Aizen-sama
Her Zanpakutou is Tobiume
Momo Hinamori

This is Rukia's brother
He will do anything to save Rukia
He's one of the most calm captains ever
He's a Taichou in a 6th aquad
His Zanpakuto called Senbonzakura
Kuchiki Byakuya

This Red and tatoo guy is a Shinigami in Soul Society 
His Zanpakutou is called Zabimaru
He like to use his Bankai *next level of Zanpakuto
He from the 6th Squad 
Abarai Renji

maybe he's the fuku taichou of this squad but im not sure bout that

His the one and only Shinigami with the animal face
He's the Taichou of 7th squad 
He also strong but not like Kenpachi
His Zanpakuto called Tangen
Komamura Sajin

Ah even the sky doesn't have the sun but he never take off the glasses
He's a Fuku Taichou from 7th squad
His Zanpakuto name is umm idk

This Taichou from 8th squad 
He love to wear idk what we call it the flower thing
His best friend is Ukitake
His Zanpakuto is idk but the thing is his zanpakutou is twin 
and both of them are woman !
Kyoraku Shunsui

This girl is rarely to see her Zanpakuto
She's from 8th squad and Fuku Taichou from that squad
Ise Nanao

As you can see he's blind
Before he left Soul Society he's a Taichou from 9th squad
He also close to Komamura but at the end he died infront of Komamura
His Zanpakuto  is called Suzumushi
Tosen Kaname

This guy got a number of 69 tatoo in his face
That number its from another Shinigami when the Shinigami 
save his life when he was a boy 
He's from 9th squad
His Zanpakuto name is Kaze Shini
Hisagi Shuhei

White hair and a bit short 
This guy or kid i don't know is a Shinigami
He also a Taichou *Captain of a Squad 
of 10th squad in Soul Society 
His Zanpakuto power is an Ice! cool isn't it ?
Which is called Hyourinmaru
Hitsugaya Toushiro

This is the most beautiful and sexy Shinigami in Soul Society
She got Orange hair too and curly
She's a Fuku Taichou *Vice Captain in 10th squad
Her Zanpakuto power is a wind which is called Haineko
Rangiku Matsumoto

This evil looking Shinigami is the most powerful
Shinigami among the others
He likes to fight in full strength 
He also a Taichou in 11th squad
His Zanpakuto actually has no name! i guess
Zaraki Kenpachi

This cute little pink hair girl is the one who always
with Zaraki togather forever and ever
She's a Fuku Taichou in 11th squad
Her Zanpakuto name is unknown
Kusajishi Yachiru

This guy with a red eyeshadow is a 3rd seat of a 11th squad
His Zanpakuto name is Houzukimaru
Madarame Ikkaku

He love Beauty more than other woman
i admit that he is quite cute
As you know he is 5th seat of 13th squad
Why don't he take the 4th seat ?
To him number 3 is the beautiful number but he can't take
the 3rd seat because Ikkaku have it
So he took the 5th seat because the shape of number 5 is like 3
His Zanpakuto name is Fuji Kujaku
Ayasegawa Yumichika

He's the Taichou of 12th squad and also the president of Shinigami Research Institute 
His Zanpakutou its a baby butterfly *baby-human
The name of the Zanpakuto is  Ashisogi Jizo 
Kurotsuchi Mayuri

She is the Fuku Taichou from 12 squad 
Her Zanpakuto name is unknown
Kurotsuchi Nemu 

This is Rukia Taichou from 13th squad
He so calm and always sick
His Zanpakuto name is Sogyo No Kotowari
Ukitake Jushiro

1st Espada

Stark and Lilinete

2nd Espada


3rd Espada


3rd Espada


4th Espada

Ulquiorra Schiffer

5th Esapada

Nnoitra Jiruga

6th Espada

Grimmjow Jaegerjaques

7th Espada

Zommari Le Roux

8th Espada

Szayel Aporro Granz

9th Espada

Aaroniero Arleri

10th Espada
